Wednesday, November 26, 2008


November 26, 2008

Tonight was a lot of fun! For the second year, Mommy and I went with my friend Max and his Mommy and Daddy to see the balloons get blown up before the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade.

I really liked the Dora balloon, the Kermit balloon, as well as the one in the shape of a pumpkin, and the one in the shape of a star. The balloons were big!

Spoiler alert for the parade! There are three new balloons this year, a Smurf, Buzz Lightyear, and Horton (from Horton Hears a Who). It was really crowded but we all made it through.

My favorite part was probably getting to ride in a taxi cab to the train station.

I can't wait to see the parade on television tomorrow. I'm also looking forward to seeing friends again!

Lunch with Friends

November 23, 2008

Today we had lunch with some of Mommy's firends. Mommy was in shock when she realized she has been friends with some of them since 1995. She feels this is a long time. They all worked together at Trail Blazers.

We went to lucnh at a fun place called Dinosaur BBQ. I had macroni and cheese and french fries. Mommy had barbecued chicken and Daddy had some cat fish.

Mommy's friends also had children so there were 4 of us under the age of 3! (Somehow I was the oldest!) But we had a lot of fun.

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Happy Birthday Daddy!

Nov. 15, 2008

My Daddy had a birthday this week! I sang him the happy birthday song several times and gave him a card. Hopefully this weekend Mommy and I will make a cake.

Here are some pictures of me hanging out with Daddy this week!

Happy Birthday Daddy!

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Children's Museum

November 2, 2008
Yesterday I had a fun adventure. I went with Mommy and my friend Sam and his Mommy to the Children's Museum of Manhattan. This was my second time, but I was a lot bigger this time and a lot braver!

Sam and I first went to see the Dora and Diego exhibit. We had a lot of fun driving Tico's car.

We then went to the third floor. We both loved playing with the fire truck. We were able to dress up as fire man and take turns driving the truck. There was also a bus we could play with.

There was a really neat climbing thing in this room.

The best part of the museum was the sandbox. (Mommy didn't take pictures!) Sam and I played there for 45 minutes. We had so much fun. We also did a really fun painting.

After the museum we went to get something to eat at a restaurant.

I had a good time with Sam!

Halloween 2008

November 1, 2008

I really like Halloween. What's not to like? I really like pumpkins, I like dressing up like a train, and I like candy!

Two weekends ago Mommy and I picked out my own pumpkin. Then last weekend we were at a mall where there was free pumpkin decorating so I now have two pumpkins. Daddy wouldn't let me take a bath with them the other night, I don't understand why. Mommy doesn't think I would react to well to permanently carving the pumpkins so she says we will wait until next year for that tradition.

I decided I wanted to be a train this year for Halloween. The only costume that was my size and still had the appropriate hat was the "James" costume from Thomas and Friends. However, I call all of the trains Thomas, so Mommy and Daddy decided I could be a "Red Thomas".

We had a "Fall Festival" at school. I had a lot of fun decorating a cookie (and eating it of course) and making a painting using an apple for a stamp. I also had fun decorating a pumpkin.

On Halloween I went trick or treating. Even though there are a lot of houses in our neighborhood Mommy decided to start small this year so we went trick or treating in our building. It was a lot of fun and I got some candy. (Somehow it has all disappeared though?) Who knows.

I like Halloween.

Birthday Party!

October 2008

A few weeks ago I got to go to a really fun birthday party. My friend from school, Max B. was having a party at Appleseeds. Since we were going to go to Brooklyn after the party Daddy came with us. That means I have a lot of pictures to share! I think Max had a good time at his 2nd birthday party. I had a good time!