Sunday, August 17, 2008

A weekend with GrandMom and Pops

August 14- 17, 2008

I had a great weekend with GrandMom and Pops. They came on Thursday night before they began their trip out west!

On Friday we took it pretty easy but I did take them to Stew Leonard's. I showed them the animals there as well as my favorite part---the ice cream!

On Saturday we went to the Beach-see more in another posting. Saturday night I stayed with GrandMom and Pops while Mommy and Daddy went out for dinner.

I had a lot of fun this weekend. GrandMom and I read several books together, Pops and I built towers and other things. Pops and I also went on a bear hunt. I also showed off how good I have become at riding my bike. I'm glad my grandparents were able to come and visit.

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